Ready to claim your power?

I was once lost...

and confused but simultaneously driven by a fiery passion inside me that kept telling me that there was more out there for me.

You may be feeling the same... Guess what?

Your intuition is always right!  

Now that I have found that my own journey was the guide to finding my true and unique form of success, I spend my time helping other ambitious leaders like you find their own power.

Healing the wounds that have been holding you back & unlocking your truest potential, activating your greatest abundance in business, life, health & wealth!

I was once lost...

and confused but simultaneously driven by a fiery passion inside me that kept telling me that there was more out there for me.

You may be feeling the same... Guess what?

Your intuition is always right!  

Now that I have found that my own journey was the guide to finding my true and unique form of success, I spend my time helping other ambitious leaders like you find their own power.

Healing the wounds that have been holding you back & unlocking your truest potential, activating your greatest abundance in business, life, health & wealth!


Before you find yourself, you have to be lost..."

 Welcome friend, the journey back to self begins now. 

Let's dive into it...

 I created this container with the intention to open up a safe space   for you to come in as yourself.

 As an entrepreneur, as a dreamer, as a leader, but mostly as a   human... embodying all that you are and to gain alignment within   yourself, bringing mind, body & soul in line to live in the   most expansive life!

 Those dreams that are in your heart and mind are yours for a   reason, and each part of your journey is leading you closer to your   purpose. 

 Let this be the space in which you open up your arms and expand   beyond your old limitations and begin truly stepping up to your   potential - a softer life, a more enjoyable way to do business and   the opportunity to get to know yourself in the deepest of ways... 

 I want to hold space for you as you re-discover your very own   divinity

Areas of Expertise

Tower Divinity

This my signature coaching program & the most intimate way to work with me 1-on-1.

For 6 months, I will help aid you into finding your flow, create your own alignment and discover your very own unique version of success.

With monthly meetings raging between the topics of business, energetics, healing & scaling, I help you uncover your blind spots, and lift the veil of what's holding you back from reaching your fullest potential and most abundant life. 

The name "Tower Divinity" was inspired by the quest of reclaiming our power after a massive loss or challenge, and in that very journey, we become the person we were always meant to be:

free, powerful & truly divine in essence.

 In tarot, The Tower card signifies upheaval and sudden change - a necessary earth-shattering moment that changes your life, forcing out the way you've been doing things up until this point and bringing forth the ultimate collapse of all the things that are no longer working for you. A wipe out of your slate, in order to build new again.

It is said that a "Tower Moment" is one of life's greatest tests, but through the succumbing & one's ability to surrender to these changes, comes the greatest gift of self-awareness and finding your very own divinity... finding your own unique version of success & joy. 

Aligning yourself to what you desire and what came here to do.

I am here to help you navigate these new waters.

I am here to encourage those who have that *knowing* within that is calling for more, I am here for those who are ready to face themselves head on and heal. Those ready for alignment, those ready for their very own transformation, coming back to self.

Ready to come back home to your truest self?

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- xoxo Yara

Does this sound like you?

Are you a born entrepreneur, constantly working hard to make things happen?
Yet, despite your efforts, do you always end up hitting a wall, feeling burnt out and never being able to "do it all"?

I understand your struggle because I've been there too. Juggling responsibilities, having too much on your plate, achieving success but still feeling unfulfilled inside.
But what if I told you that you already have everything you need within you?

You just need to learn how to access it.
Running a successful business requires more than just good strategies, marketing, and discipline. It also involves aligning with the energetic flow of your being and business.

Without this alignment, you'll continue on the same loop of overworking, overdoing, and feeling drained.
Ready to break out of this cycle? I'm here to show you how.


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